CPVS 180 - 340
Direct driven oil-injected screw compressors
CPVS ranges offer a flexible choice of compressors from 180-340. The compressors are gearbox driven variable speed. They have been designed to guarantee the highest uptime ensuring long and easy operation at the lowest operation costs.
Frequency inverter
A load/unload compressor delivers a constant air capacity. In case the set pressure is reached, the compressor turns into unload mode (inlet valve controlled).The compressor starts up the same routine as soon as the pressure value drops down a predefined level.
A frequency inverted compressor, however, has a working pattern with lower peaks and a smooth air profile. Due to a frequency inverter the compressor never switches load/unload, as the number of rotations adapts itself to the energy consumption. This results in the compressor transferring all energy consumed into the process to compress air, which is very cost efficient.
CPVS can be equipped with an IVR highly efficient frequency converter with low harmonic distortion built-in in the canopy in a well-ventilated housing. In case of a highly fluctuating energy consumptions savings over 30% compared to a fixed speed equivalent can be achieved!