Oil-water separator
Effective condensate treatment with environmentally friendly technology
Every air compression process produces condensate containing oil and other contaminants. Also the condensate separated in refrigerant dryers or in cyclone separators contain oil. Collecting and disposing of this polluted condensate is both difficult and extremely costly. Discharging even a small quantity of it into the sewage system is illegal as it causes extensive pollution. Our innovative Chicago Pneumatic CPP Oil-water separators are a simple and environmentally friendly solution to this problem. Separating oil and water through a multistage cascade filtration system results in rinsed water which can be discharged into the sewage system and a limited amount of oil to be disposed of in a specialized center.
Increased equipment lifespan with the right sized separator
Depending on the capacity of your compressed air system you can chose one of three CPP 21-1140 ranges, all are very reliable, easy in use and extremely efficient. They can significantly prolong the life span of your equipment and protect the environment.