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Why Does my Compressor Start and Stop Continuously?

Contact an expert for all of your compressor questions.

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We understand your pain. We know that a compressor problem can quickly result in hours (if not days) of production downtime and loss of revenue. When your compressor continuously shuts off from on, we refer that as a short cycle. There are a few reasons that a short cycle may be happening with your compressor. The reasons below are only for the compressors that have been working previously without issue and have no large changes have occurred in the placement or demand of the machine.

1. Pressure switch out of adjustment: Check the switch to see if you can remedy the sitation. This part will need to be replaced and is common wear and tear on a machine.

2. You've developed a leak: If the switch isn't the issue and the machines need haven't been changed, you most likely have developed a leak. Contact your closest service provider to help locate your air leak.

3. The machine may be undersized for the application: Understanding your businesses flow (CFM) and pressure (PSI) needs to accomplish the frequency of the job that has to be completed is the KEY to ensuring your compressor is the right size. Please contact a service professional to ensure this isn't the current problem you are experiencing.

Experts' articles

How can Chicago Pneumatic be of service while making beer?

Why Does A Brewery Need Compressed Air?

Compressed air plays an integral role in breweries both large and small around the world. From start to finish, all details in the brewing process are managed in fine detail and having the right air compressor is no exception.