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The 5 Benefits of a Piston Compressor

Piston compressors are often found in workshops and small factories where the air-demand is not too high or continuously needed. It will just start automatically when the pressure drops below the set point and will stop again when the pressure reaches its maximum set point.

Below are 5 pros when considering a piston compressor: 1. Relatively Low Maintenance Cost 2. Ability to have high pressure and high power 3. Can be located close to point‐of‐use avoiding lengthy piping runs and pressure drops 4. Durable, efficient and affordable 5. Significant product life

CP service technician in fron t of CP compressor
If you need the air conditioner just for your shop, house (areas of discontinuous usage of air conditioners) or a small office, where your usage would not be as high as in an industrial or commercial space, then piston air compressors seem to be a great option. If you are unsure of which compressor to choose for your requirements then please reach out to CP's Tech team.

Experts' articles

Why a Chicago Pneumatic VSD Expert Corner

Why Is My Compressor Vibrating?

Regardless of the type of compressor you have, vibration issues can be troubling for any business. The root of the vibration can stem from multiple sources, some internally and others externally. Understanding the cause of the vibration and how to resolve them will be critical in keeping your compressor in proper working order.

Can my compressor be outside

How Do I Winterize My Air Compressor?

Regardless of whether or not it actually freezes where you live, most winterization service recommendations are also basic, solid maintenance procedures that will help extend the life and operational efficiencies of air compressors regardless of whether you live in northern Maine or South Florida.

Expert Corner Dryer

Where Should I Install my Air Dryer?

Your company purchased an air dryer for your compressor. One of the most common things we see in the industry are air dryers being stored on top of the compressors. Seems like a wasted space not being used on top of the compressor, right? Wrong.