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Designed for high temperatures

Dryer rated for temperatures up to 180 °F

Quick installation

Light and compact design, does not require any special equipment

Low maintenance

Simplified maintenance helps to minimize your service costs

Advanced control

Electronic controller indicates all relevant technical information about status of the refrigerant dryer as well as dewpoint indication

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Tech data

Model scfm @100 psig Use w/ hp Max inlet temperature (°F) Max psig
CPXHT-25 25 5-7 180 232
CPXHT-50 50 10-15
CPXHT-75 75 20
CPXHT-100 100 25
CPXHT-125 125 30
Reference conditions: 100 °F ambient temp, 100 °F inlet temp, 100 psig, 50 °F pressure dewpoint

Air Treatment

The latest within air treatment. Protect your systems and protect the environment. Click to read more.