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Why do I need a dryer for my compressor?

Air dryers remove the moisture following the compressed air process. Dry compressed air is a concept with a wide range of meanings and dew point is an indication of how dry the compressed air is or needs to be. While air can be compressed, water cannot be compressed.

Why install a dryer for my compressor?

What would happen if water or moisture entered your machine? Water in wood causes rotting, water in metal causes rust, water in walls create mold. All of these are negative to the bottom line and a headache to any manager. Now in terms of an air compressor, moisture in your machine can damage the compressor, air motors, and valves, as well as possibly contaminate the product. All because a simple air dryer wasn’t installed. The cost of a new air dryer is cheap compared to loss of production.

Why is it important to know the size of my dryer needs?

When sizing an air dryer that keeps up with your application needs; it is important to get the right fit. A dryer that is too large will cause harmful wear and tear long before normal, opposed to having an undersized dryer can lead to poor air quality downstream.

Questions to keep in mind when you are sizing the dryer for your needs:

What is the desired dew point (how dry compressed air needs to be – this will determine whether it is a refrigerated or desiccant style dryer)?  How much CFM will your compressor be sending through the dryer, and at what pressure?  What are the ambient conditions of the dryer (ambient temperature, elevation, etc.)?  What is the inlet temperature of the air going into the dryer? Answering these few questions will give you a good start on selecting the right dryer technology and the appropriate size for your compressor. Remember, a desiccant dryer consumes 2% -20% of your CFM as purge air during the regeneration cycle of the vessels. With that in mind, you will need to make sure you make the necessary arrangements. If it is a new install, the compressor will need to be sized appropriately to compensate for the CFM loss during the purge cycle. If it is an existing install, you may have to upgrade the compressor. Ambient conditions and correction factors also come into play. For more information or support on selecting the right Chicago Pneumatic dryer for your needs, please reach out to [email protected].

CP service technician in fron t of CP compressor
Whether you have questions about which compressor is right for you, or if you’re ready to improve your operations and start saving on expenses. Chicago Pneumatic has been around for over 100 years because we offer reliable and hardworking air compressors, as well as expert advice and support.

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Where Should I Install my Air Dryer?

Your company purchased an air dryer for your compressor. One of the most common things we see in the industry are air dryers being stored on top of the compressors. Seems like a wasted space not being used on top of the compressor, right? Wrong.