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How Can I Save on Energy Costs by Using a Screw Compressor?

How Can I Save on Energy Costs by Using a Screw Compressor banner

A huge variety of uses, including air filling, packaging, tools, HVAC control, and more, call for the use of air compressors. The quantity of electricity they consume is one potential disadvantage; if operated inefficiently, air compressors can be a significant energy drain. You are squandering energy and money if you run them too long, allow leaks to occur, or use the wrong kind of compressor. The major power wasters will be covered in this article along with solutions for preventing or stopping them.

6 Possible Problems and How to Fix Them

1. Operating Without a Schedule

Operating air compressors without a predetermined timetable is one of the most frequent methods to waste energy with them. Every firm has various working hours and air demand levels, but it only makes sense to only want compressors running for 4 hours if you only need them for 4 of an 8-hour workday. Unfortunately, time and space constraints make it impossible to always manually turn compressors on and off. Fortunately, Chicago Pneumatic considered that. We offer a number of cutting-edge compressor models with control panels that let users programme the unit itself with a timetable.

2. Leaving Leaks Unfixed

Air compressor leakage is another issue that is more often than you might realise. Leaks can result in energy loss and compressor inefficiency and are sometimes difficult to detect or hear. Depending on consumption, a 14" air leak at 100 psi might result in an annual energy loss of more than $2500. To ensure you aren't wasting any energy, it is advised to have a leak detection expert inspect your compressor(s) on a regular basis. Although duct tape may provide a temporary repair, the issue is not permanently resolved.

3. Using Single-Stage Compressors

In spite of its inefficient functioning, single-stage air compressors are frequently utilised in HVAC applications. They have no power variation and are either on or off, so even if you only need a little air, they will turn on at full blast. Variable-speed compressors should be utilised wherever possible because they will try to match delivery with what is needed and won't consume as much power when it isn't necessary. Variable-speed rotary screw compressors from CP operate only when and to the extent necessary, conserving energy.

4. Clearing Debris

Compressed air is a tremendously useful tool, but it has limitations. Without without realising it, you can be wasting money and flouting OSHA requirements. Debris removal is one of the most frequent ways that compressed air is misused. Clearing objects from the ground with compressed air is against OSHA regulations unless the psi is 30 or less. Furthermore, regardless of pressure, dusting particles off oneself or another is prohibited. Maybe conserve the compressed air for more important purposes because there are alternative, safer/cheaper ways to clean.

5. System Inefficiencies

The piping that carries air from the compressor to its destination is another area where it could be wasted. Frequently, processes and equipment are modified or transferred without taking into account the potential inefficiencies that could result, especially if you are managing several compressors from a single site. Check your piping system on a regular basis to ensure that air travels the shortest distance feasible from the compressor to its destination. Shortening the pipeline is a fantastic strategy to conserve energy because the farther air travels, the more energy it requires.

6. Old Filters

Changing filters in accordance with a suggested maintenance schedule is one of the most useful energy-saving advice. The schedules recommended by the majority of compressors, which are based on testing and meticulous calculations, should be followed! If you employ filters in other areas of your facility, you should routinely replace them on a regular basis.

Filters that are clogged prohibit some fluid from flowing through, regardless of whether the filter is for air, oil, water, or another type of fluid. Operating with clogged filters is quite wasteful, so replacing them is a fantastic method to conserve energy. Regular inspections should be performed on an air compressor's other general maintenance components as well. An air compressor's performance will be enhanced, and its lifespan will be increased.

Now time to get the energy savings going!

You may save hundreds of dollars a year by putting a handful of these energy-saving strategies into practise! Because they are attempting to cut costs immediately, many operators miss many of these possibilities to conserve energy, which all end up costing more in the long run. The cost of replacing a faulty valve is not as high as the energy it wastes. If there are two points from this blog post you should keep in mind, they are to do routine compressor maintenance and to only use your air compressor when necessary.