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CPVSd 21-34 Variable Speed Screw Compressors

Optimize your energy consumption

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Low noise levels

Both of the new elements (direct coupled), combined with the deep sound insulation results in a very low sound level.

Easy & fast maintenance

Fast and easy serviceability, due to all of the service components being placed close to the front panel.

Smart monitoring and control

The unique ES4000 control unit is specially programmed for energy savings. (ES4000 advanced as an option.)

High energy savings

The new generation of elements, combined with the new converters and the highly efficient transmissions result in high flexibility and efficiency.

Optional air quaility package

Our CPBg is available with dryer, water separator drain and post filter for improved quality air.

Trey portrait picture

Are you looking to truly connect with your equipment partners? Trey Weeks explains how excited he gets installing a CP compressed air solution that is the exact right fit for our customers: “Every day is different when you’re a service technician, and some are unforgettable! Like the day I delivered a new CPVSD 20-35 to a very special automotive bodyshop. The owner had created a unique workplace, small but perfectly organized, busy but peaceful. And he chose the perfect compressor for his business – compact and reliable with VSD technology to adjust the pressure to demand and allow for less energy consumption. We clicked right away. He is a perfectionist and so am I!”