Use of iPM Motor for VSD Compressor
Which is a better technology?
Emerging technologies offer a compelling solution in the form of interior Permanent Magnet (iPM) motors, revolutionizing the landscape of VSD compressor efficiency. In this article, we delve into the significance of motor selection, focusing on the advantages of iPM motors.
Choosing the right motor for a VSD compressor is very important for its efficiency, as we saw above. Most motors in the market are squirrel cage induction motors, but a VSD compressor with an induction motor may not be the best choice for your application because of the asynchronous nature of these motors. They have limitations and are suited for RPMs above 50% (of the rated speed), and slip losses make them even more inefficient. There is a drastic drop in the motor efficiency at lower RPMs. Hence, the power consumption pattern isn't linear.
This can be overcome by using a synchronous motor, like an interior Permanent Magnet (iPM) motor. Here, the rotor is also designed to produce its own magnetic field using a permanent magnet; the operating principle of the synchronous motor is based on the magnetic interlocking between the magnetic fields of the stator and rotor. In the case of iPM motors, there is practically no slip loss as both motor and stator run at the same speed.
VSD Compressor
Understanding iPM VSD Compressors
Chicago Pneumatic compressors has always chosen the best technologies for enhancing customer productivity. This includes the iPM motor used in our VSD compressors. The drive train design is an important aspect in a VSD design, our integrated direct drive design, which is coupling-free, has an element and motor on the same shaft, making transmission losses near to zero. It is, hence, direct drive, silent, and extremely energy efficient. Another excellent technology is to have the entire drive train as a closed circuit, with oil cooling the motor and components. Our oil-cooled PM compressors has all such advanced technologies integrated into it nearing super premium efficiency levels. And it is not one but hundreds of such units running all across the country delivering lower carbon footprint.
As industries continue to prioritize sustainability and productivity, Chicago Pneumatics has taken a leading role in the industry to produce and deliver the most needed enhancements in technologies that makes a better future for all of us. We take care of you not only with your enhanced productivity but also world class service support through a very large distributor network all across the country.