Line Filters for Air Compressor - Chicago Pneumatic
Effective line filters for reliable protection of your compressed air network
Contaminated air in compressed air line leads to a significant reduction in equipment efficiency, its wear, corrosion and leaks. Chicago Pneumatic offers a complete family of high-performance line filters to ensure removal of all types of pollution to improve the quality of compressed air and to protect your equipment.
Pure air through filtering
Pure compressed air according to ISO standard
Depending on the application air with specified purity is needed. We offer filters with performance from 720 to 40500 l/min, with filtration class from 3 to 0.01 micrometers, capable to provide the required air purity in accordance with ISO 8573 and ISO 12500.
Six filter types to cover all purity requirements
C-filter range
High-efficiency coalescing filters, removing solid particles, liquid water and oil aerosol. Total Mass Efficiency: 99,9 %. For optimum filtration, a C filter should be preceded by a G filter at all times.
D-filter range
High-efficiency particulate filters for dust protection. Count Efficiency: 99,97 % at Most Penetrating Particle Size (MPPS = 0,06 micron). A D filter should be preceded by an S filter at all times and is commonly fitted after an adsorption dryer.
G-filter range
Coalescing filters for general purpose protection, removing solid particles, liquid water and oil aerosol. Total Mass Efficiency: 99%. For optimum filtration, a G filter should be preceded by a water separator.
P-filter range
Coalescing and particulate general purpose pre-filter. Removes solid particles, dust, liquid and oil aerosol. Total Mass Efficiency: 90%.
S-filter range
Particulate filters for dust protection. Count Efficiency: 99,81 % at Most Penetrating Particle Size (MPPS = 0,1 micron). An S filter should be preceded by a dryer at all times.
V-filter range
Activated carbon filter for removal of oil vapour an hydrocarbon odors with a maximum remaining oil content of 0,003 mg/m³ (0,003 ppm). 1000 hour lifetime.